
Are you ready to get to work but aren't sure where to start?


No matter where you are in your book creation process there is always someone there to help you along the way. Browse through these sitelinks and articles to help get you started. And it you're not sure, feel free to get in touch!


Story Creation

A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Children's Book from Scratch

Cracking Writer's Block

Writing For Your Audience


Beta Reading

Beta Readers and Feedback

What is a Beta Reader?

Alpha Readers vs. Beta Readers



Editing and Proofreading




Why Fonts Matter - Great Fonts to Use for Self-Publishing



Cover Design



Book Reviews

Getting a Blurb for Your Book to Use in Marketing

Marketing Guide

Marketing Plan

Marketing With Canva

Marketing Your Book

Virtual Assistants

What is Book Tour?

Writing the Perfect Blurb


Submitting For Publication

Indie Publishing vs. Self-Publishing

Indie Publishers Accepting Submissions